I was rummaging through my books today - I have a lot of them.! I found these lovely little cards (I have been told these are called ACEO's (Art Cards Editions & Originals). I purchased these from Ebay a couple of years ago. The artist you made these is called Amanda and her website is http://www.maygreen-fairies.co.uk/.
What you probably bought were called ACEO's (Art Cards Editions & Originals). They should be 3.5 x 2.5 inches. These are bought and sold.
ATC's (Artist Trading Cards) are also 3.5 x 2.5 inches but are only traded amongst other artists and never sold. The only rules is the size and they must only be traded. Try googling ATC's or drop by http://www.atcsforall.com is an ATC's trading forum. Take a look in the gallery to see some wonderful at.
Thank you for this information - I will definately take a look at this site!
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